Category: Schema

  • ALTER Schema

    In this section, we are going to learn PostgreSQL ALTER SCHEMA command, which is used to change the description of a schema. ALTER SCHEMA command The alter schema command will allow us to modify the schema’s definition. For example, we can also rename a schema with the help of the below alter schema command. The syntax of altering schema command is as follows: We…

  • Drop Schema

    In this chapter, we are going to learn how to drop the PostgreSQL schema with the help of a drop schema command to delete a schema and its related objects if we don’t need it anymore. We can easily drop or delete or remove a PostgreSQL schema with the help of the DROP schema statement. If the Schema is not present, it throws…

  • Create Schema

    In this section, we are going to learn how to create a schema and create a table in schema commands in pgAdmin 4 and SQL shell(psql). In PostgreSQL, the Schema is a namespace which provides various objects such as data types, indexes, tables, operators, views, sequence, and functions. And the create statement provides the exact object name, which helps…

  • Schema

    In this section, we are going to learn PostgreSQL Schema, the public Schema, how PostgreSQL uses the schema search path to resolve objects in Schema, PostgreSQL schema and privileges, and the advantages of using PostgreSQL Schema. Introduction of PostgreSQL schema Each database starts with one schema, and it should be the public schema. And a schema is a named collection…