Category: SQL String Functions
RTRIM Function in SQL
This string function truncates the given character or sub-string from the right of the given original string. It also truncates the space from the right of the specified string. Syntax of RTRIM String Function Syntax1: This syntax uses the RTRIM function with the column name of the SQL table: In the syntax, we have to specify…
UPPER Function in SQL
This string function shows all the string characters in the upper case in Structured Query Language. It converts the small character or set of small characters into capital letters. We can also use the UPPER function with the string fields of the SQL table. Syntax of UPPER String Function Syntax1: This syntax uses the UPPER function…
LTRIM Function in SQL
This string function truncates the given character or sub-string from the left of the given original string. It also truncates the space from the left of the specified string. Syntax of LTRIM String Function Syntax1: This syntax uses the LTRIM function with the column name of the SQL table: In the syntax, we have to specify…
SQL String Functions
In this article, you will learn about the various string functions of Structured Query Language in detail with examples. What are String Functions in SQL? SQL String functions are the predefined functions that allow the database users for string manipulation. These functions only accept, process, and give results of the string data type. Following are…