Category: Differences

  • JavaScript vs. Node.js

    JavaScript is a lightweight, object-oriented scripting language that is used to build dynamic HTML pages with interactive effects on a webpage. On the other hand, Node.js usually represents a list of objects and methods accessible to JavaScript code when run in the V8 engine or via the node interpreter. In this article, we are going to discuss the difference between JavaScript and Node.js. But…

  • JavaScript Vs. Angular Js

    JavaScript is a lightweight, object-oriented scripting language used to build dynamic HTML pages with interactive effects on a web page that runs in the client’s web browser. It’s a client-side scripting language that provides interactive effects to web pages to make them more dynamic. On the other hand, Angular JS is a JavaScript-based framework that…

  • Dart vs. JavaScript

    JavaScript and Dart are the best options for cross-platform mobile app development. Dart is a relatively new language compared to JavaScript, but it has some extremely useful features and excellent Google support. JavaScript reached the top of its popularity when it came to the cross-platform mobile application and server-side application development. In this article, we…

  • JavaScript vs. PHP

    What is PHP Extends for Hypertext Preprocessor. It is the most widely used web development language. It is commonly known as an open-source scripting language. PHP code can be embedded into html files. The code is written between start and end processing instructions, i.e., in-between <?php> and ?>. PHP is a simple to use language…

  • jQuery vs. JavaScript

    What is jQuery A free and open-source javascript library which is basically used for designing, traversing and manipulating the HTML DOM. A DOM is a tree-like structure used to represent the elements of a webpage. jQuery helps the designer to use javascript code easily for their websites. The advanced approach to jQuery enables to create…