JavaScript dblclick event

he dblclick event generates an event on double click the element. The event fires when an element is clicked twice in a very short span of time. We can also use the JavaScript’s addEventListener() method to fire the double click event.

In HTML, we can use the ondblclick attribute to create a double click event.


Now, we see the syntax of creating double click event in HTML and in javascript (without using addEventListener() method or by using the addEventListener() method).


<element ondblclick = "fun()">  

In JavaScript

object.ondblclick = function() { myScript };  

In JavaScript by using the addEventListener() method

object.addEventListener("dblclick", myScript);  

Let’s see some of the illustrations to understand the double click event.

Example – Using ondblclick attribute in HTML

In this example, we are creating the double click event using the HTML ondblclick attribute.

<!DOCTYPE html>  






<h1 id = "heading" ondblclick = "fun()"> Hello world :):) </h1>  

<h2> Double Click the text "Hello world" to see the effect. </h2>  

<p> This is an example of using the <b> ondblclick </b> attribute. </p>  


function fun() {  

document.getElementById("heading").innerHTML = " Welcome to the ";  






After the execution of the above code, the output will be –

JavaScript dblclick event

After double-clicking the text “Hello world”, the output will be –

JavaScript dblclick event

Now, we will see how to create double click event using JavaScript.

Example – Using JavaScript

<!DOCTYPE html>  






<h1 id = "heading"> Hello world :):) </h1>  

<h2> Double Click the text "Hello world" to see the effect. </h2>  

<p> This is an example of creating the double click event using JavaScript. </p>  


document.getElementById("heading").ondblclick = function() { fun() };  

function fun() {  

document.getElementById("heading").innerHTML = " Welcome to the ";  







JavaScript dblclick event

After double-clicking the text “Hello world”, the output will be –

JavaScript dblclick event

Example – Using JavaScript’s addEventListener() method

<!DOCTYPE html>  






<h1 id = "heading"> Hello world :):) </h1>  

<h2> Double Click the text "Hello world" to see the effect. </h2>  

<p> This is an example of creating the double click event using the <b> addEventListener() method </b>. </p>  


document.getElementById("heading").addEventListener("dblclick", fun);  

function fun() {  

document.getElementById("heading").innerHTML = " Welcome to the ";  







JavaScript dblclick event

After double-clicking the text “Hello world”, the output will be –

JavaScript dblclick event


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