HTML Background Image

The <background> attribute in the HTML document is used to specify the background image on a HTML page or a table. You can pass the path of an image as a value of background attribute to set the image of your HTML page or table.


<tag background="Path_of_an_image">  

Note: The Background attribute is not supported in HTML5. Use the following syntax of CSS:

<tag style="background-image:Path_of_an_image)">  

Examples: The following examples set the background image in different styles:

Example 1: This example uses the background attribute with the body tag for displaying the image as a background of the web page.

<!DOCTYPE html>  




Example of Background image  



<body background="">  


<font color="red">  

<h1> click on this <a href=""> link </a> for the Home page of Our Website </h1>  





HTML Background Image

Example 2: This example uses the background attribute with the table tag for displaying the image as a background of html table.

<!DOCTYPE html>    




    Example of Background image   






In this example, we use the background attribute with the table tag, which displays the image as a background of the HTML table.   


<table background="" height="300" border="1" width="500">  



        <td> Roll No. </td>  

        <td> Name </td>  



        <td> 101 </td>  

        <td> Abhay </td>  



        <td> 102 </td>  

        <td> Chetan </td>  



        <td> 103 </td>  

        <td> Manpreet </td>  



        <td> 104 </td>  

        <td> Rakesh </td>  



        <td> 105 </td>  

        <td> Sumit </td>  







HTML Background Image

Example 3: This example uses the CSS syntax for the background-image property of the style attribute with the body tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>    




    Example of Background image   




<body style="background-image:url('');">   


<font size="4" color="green">  


In this example, we use the <b> background-image </b> property in the <b>style</b> attribute with the <b> body tag </b> which display the image as a background on the web page.   




<font size="4" color="red">  

<table height="300" border="1" width="500">  


        <td> Roll No. </td>  

        <td> Name </td>  



        <td> 101 </td>  

        <td> Abhay </td>  



        <td> 102 </td>  

        <td> Chetan </td>  



        <td> 103 </td>  

        <td> Manpreet </td>  



        <td> 104 </td>  

        <td> Rakesh </td>  



        <td> 105 </td>  

        <td> Sumit </td>  








HTML Background Image

Example 4: This example uses the CSS syntax for the background-image property in the style attribute with the table tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>    




    Example of Background image   




<font size="4" color="orange">  

In this example, we use the <b> background-image property </b> in the <b> style attribute </b> with the <b> table tag </b> which display the image as a background of HTML table.   


<font size="4" color="red">  



<table style="background-image:url('');">   


        <td> Roll No. </td>  

        <td> Name </td>  




        <td> 101 </td>  

        <td> Abhay </td>  



        <td> 102 </td>  

        <td> Chetan </td>  



        <td> 103 </td>  

        <td> Manpreet </td>  



        <td> 104 </td>  

        <td> Rakesh </td>  



        <td> 105 </td>  

        <td> Sumit </td>  








HTML Background Image

Example 5: This example uses the CSS syntax for the background-repeat and background-size property of the style attribute with the body tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>    




    Example of Background image   




<body style="background-image:url('');   

background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%">   


<font size="4" color="green">  


In this example, we use the <b> background-repeat and background-size property </b> in the <b> style attribute </b> with the <b> body </b> tag   

which display the image without repeatition.   





<font size="4" color="red">  

<table height="300" border="1" width="500">  


        <td> Roll No. </td>  

        <td> Name </td>  



        <td> 101 </td>  

        <td> Abhay </td>  



        <td> 102 </td>  

        <td> Chetan </td>  



        <td> 103 </td>  

        <td> Manpreet </td>  



        <td> 104 </td>  

        <td> Rakesh </td>  



        <td> 105 </td>  

        <td> Sumit </td>  








HTML Background Image

Browser Support

Elementchrome browser Chromeie browser IEfirefox browser Firefoxopera browser Operasafari browser Safari
Background ImageYesYesYesYesYes


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