Here is the list of frequently used terms in the domain of AI −
Sr.No | Term & Meaning |
1 | AgentAgents are systems or software programs capable of autonomous, purposeful and reasoning directed towards one or more goals. They are also called assistants, brokers, bots, droids, intelligent agents, and software agents. |
2 | Autonomous RobotRobot free from external control or influence and able to control itself independently. |
3 | Backward ChainingStrategy of working backward for Reason/Cause of a problem. |
4 | BlackboardIt is the memory inside computer, which is used for communication between the cooperating expert systems. |
5 | EnvironmentIt is the part of real or computational world inhabited by the agent. |
6 | Forward ChainingStrategy of working forward for conclusion/solution of a problem. |
7 | HeuristicsIt is the knowledge based on Trial-and-error, evaluations, and experimentation. |
8 | Knowledge EngineeringAcquiring knowledge from human experts and other resources. |
9 | PerceptsIt is the format in which the agent obtains information about the environment. |
10 | PruningOverriding unnecessary and irrelevant considerations in AI systems. |
11 | RuleIt is a format of representing knowledge base in Expert System. It is in the form of IF-THEN-ELSE. |
12 | ShellA shell is a software that helps in designing inference engine, knowledge base, and user interface of an expert system. |
13 | TaskIt is the goal the agent is tries to accomplish. |
14 | Turing TestA test developed by Allan Turing to test the intelligence of a machine as compared to human intelligence. |
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