User-Defined data type

In this section, we are going to understand the working of the PostgreSQL user-defined data type with the help of CREATE DOMAIN and CREATE TYPE command and see an example of it.

What is PostgreSQL user-defined Data Type?

In addition to built-in data typesPostgreSQL provides us to generate user-defined data types with the help of the below commands:

CREATE DOMAINIt generates a user-defined data type with constraints, For Example, CHECK, NOT NULL, etc.
CREATE TYPEThe create type command is used to generate a composite type, which is used in stored procedures as per the data types of returned values.

Now, let us see how the CREATE DOMAIN and CREATE TYPE commands work for PostgreSQL user-defined data.


In PostgreSQL, a domain has a unique name within the schema scope as Domain is a data type with elective constraints such as CHECK, NOT NULL. For consolidating the organization of fields with common constraints, domains are always beneficial.

For Example, suppose we have some tables containing a similar column, which does not take NULL and spaces.

In other words, we can say that some of the tables might contain the text columns, which need a CHECK constraint to assure the values are not null and remain expanded with spaces.

Example of Domain data type

Let us see one sample example to understand how the Domain data type works.

We are creating one new table as Recipients with the CREATE command’s help and inserting some values using the INSERT command.

To create Recipients into an Organization database, we use the CREATE command.

The Recipients table contains the following columns, such as Recipient_id, First_name, Last_name and Email.

CREATE TABLE Recipients (  


    First_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,  

    Last_name VARCHAR NOT NULL,  


    CHECK (  

      First_name !~ '\s'  

      AND Last_name !~ '\s'  




We will get the following message on executing the above command, which displays that the Recipients table has been created successfully into the Organization database.

PostgreSQL User-Defined data type

We have used the CHECK constraint in the above table that the First_name and the Last_name columns do not receive spaces and null values.

So, here we can create as person_name Domain and reuse it in various columns to define the CHECK constraint.

In the below command, we are using the CREATE DOMAIN command for generating a new domain called person_name using the VARCHAR data type which do not take the spaces and NULL values:

 CREATE DOMAIN person_name AS   

 VARCHAR NOT NULL CHECK (value!~ '\s'); 


    After executing the above command, we will get the below message window, displaying that the person_name domain has been created successfully for the Recipients table.

    PostgreSQL User-Defined data type

    After creating the domain, we can use the person_name domain as the datatype of the First_name and Last_name columns as a consistent built-in type, as we can see in the following command:

     CREATE TABLE Recipients1 (  
    Recipient_ID SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,  
        First_name person_name,  
        Last_name person_name,  
        Email VARCHAR NOT NULL  


      After executing the above command, we will get the below message window, which displays that the Recipients1 table has been created successfully.

      PostgreSQL User-Defined data type


      • Make sure that both the table must have the different name once we create the domain because it takes the same name of the table (Recipients).
      • PostgreSQL raises the following error relation “recipients” already exists, as shown in the below screenshot:
      PostgreSQL User-Defined data type

      Once the Recipients1 table has been created successfully, we will insert some values into it using the INSERT command.

      In the below command, we are inserting some value into the Recipients1 table.

       INSERT INTO Recipients (First_name, Last_name, Email)  
      VALUES('Mike',' W Ross','[email protected]'); 


        After implementing the above command, PostgreSQL raise the following error new row for relation “recipients” violates check constraint “recipients_check” because the last_name column contains the space as shown in the below screenshot:

        PostgreSQL User-Defined data type

        To resolve the above error, we will provide the Last_name without giving any space, as shown in the following command:

        INSERT INTO Recipients (First_name, Last_name, Email)  
        VALUES('Mike','Ross','[email protected]'); 


          After successfully executing the above command, we will get the below message window, which displays that the particular value has been inserted into the Recipients table.

          PostgreSQL User-Defined data type

          View Domain in psql

          We are going to follow the below process to view a domain in psql:


          Firstly, we will open the psql in our local system, and we will connect to the database where we want to create a table.


          For connecting an Organization database, we will enter the below command:

          postgres=# \c Organization   


          After executing the above command, we will get the following output:

          PostgreSQL User-Defined data type


          Now, we will enter the below command to view a domain in the Organization database.

          Organization=# \dD  


          On implementing the above command, we will get the below output, which displays the existing domain, which is person_name present in the Organization database:

          PostgreSQL User-Defined data type

          DROP/ALTER Domain

          We can use the DROP DOMAIN or ALTER DOMAIN commands individually for deleting or modifying a domain.

          DROP DOMAIN IF EXISTS person_name;  


          After executing the above command, we will get the below error message: we cannot drop type person_name because other objects depend on it.

          PostgreSQL User-Defined data type

          So, in the above command, we are using the CASCADE as it is used to drop the objects automatically, which depend on the table.

          DROP DOMAIN IF EXISTS person_name CASCADE;  


          After implementing the above command, we will get the following result, displaying that the person_name domain has been dropped successfully.

          PostgreSQL User-Defined data type

          PostgreSQL CREATE TYPE Command

          The PostgreSQL CREATE TYPE command provides us to make a composite type that can be used as the return type of a function.

          For example: If we want to have a function, which returns several values: item _id, item_name, and item_price


          Firstly, we will create a type such as Item_details, as we can see in the following command:

          CREATE TYPE Item_details AS (  
              item_id INT,  
              item_name VARCHAR,  
              item_price Numeric(5,2)  


            After implementing the above command, we will get the following message window, which shows that the item_details type has been created successfully.

            PostgreSQL User-Defined data type


            After that, we will use the item_details data type as the return type of a function, as shown in the following command:

            CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_Item_details (I_id INT)   
                RETURNS Item_details AS   
            SELECT item_id, item_name,  item_price   
            FROM items  
            WHERE item_id = I_id ;   
            LANGUAGE SQL;  


              We will get the following message window after executing the above command, which displays that the function has been created successfully.

              PostgreSQL User-Defined data type


              At last, we will call the get_Item_details() function with the help of the SELECT command:

              SELECT * FROM get_Item_details(3);  


              On implementing the above command, we will get the following output, which displays the particular id item, which is Audi A7.

              PostgreSQL User-Defined data type

              DROP/ALTER TYPE

              Like we use the Drop domain command to delete the Domain, we can use the DROP TYPE command for deleting the user-defined data type, and we can use the ALTER TYPE commands for modifying the user-defined data type.

              DROP TYPE IF EXISTS Item_details;  


              We will get a similar error as above (drop domain) that we cannot drop type Item_details because other objects depend on it on executing the above command.

              PostgreSQL User-Defined data type

              To resolve this above error, we are using the CASCADE as it is used to drop the objects automatically, which depend on the table.

              DROP TYPE IF EXISTS Item_details CASCADE;  


              After executing the above command, we will get the below message window, which displays that the specified type has been dropped successfully.

              PostgreSQL User-Defined data type

              View TYPE in psql

              If we are using the psql program, we can list all user-defined types in the existing database with the help of the following commands:

              \dT or \dT+  

              For Example, we are going to follow the below process to view a type in psql:


              Firstly, we will open the psql in our local system, and we will connect to the database where we want to create a table.


              For connecting an Organization database, we will enter the below command:

              postgres=# \c Organization   
              PostgreSQL User-Defined data type


              Now, we will enter the below command to view a domain in the Organization database.

              Organization=# \dT  


              On implementing the above command, we will get the below output, which displays the existing TYPE, which is Item_details present in the Organization database:

              PostgreSQL User-Defined data type
              Organization=# \dT+  


              We will get the below output after executing the above command, which displays the existing TYPE, which is Item_details present in the Organization database:

              PostgreSQL User-Defined data type


              In the PostgreSQL user-defined data type section to the most useful operations, we have learned the following topics:

              • The PostgreSQL user-defined data type is used to generate user-defined data types with the help of Create DOMAIN and CREATE TYPE
              • The CREATE DOMAIN command is used to generate a user-defined data type with constraints such as CHECK, NOT NULL, etc.
              • And the CREATE TYPE command is used to generate a composite type, which is used in stored procedures as per the data types of returned values.
              • To view the newly created DOMAIN in PSQL, we have used the \dD
              • We have used the \dT or \dT+ commands to view the newly generated TYPE in PSQL.
              • We have used the DROP DOMAIN command for deleting the user-defined data type, and we can use the ALTER DOMAIN command for modifying the user-defined data type.
              • And we have also used the DROP TYPE or ALTER TYPE commands to remove and delete the user-defined type.


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