JavaScript offsetHeight

The offsetHeight is an HTML DOM property, which is used by JavaScript programming language. It returns the visible height of an element in pixels that includes the height of visible content, border, padding, and scrollbar if present. The offsetHeight is often used with offsetWidth property. The offsetWidth is one more property of HTML DOM, which is almost same as the offsetHeight. These properties are used by JavaScript to find the visible height and width of the HTML elements.

The offsetHeight is a combination of following HTML elements:

offsetHeight = height + border + padding + horizontal scrollbar  

On the other hand, the offsetWidth includes the following elements:

offsetWidth = width + border + padding + vertical scrollbar  

Remember one thing that offsetHeight and offsetWidth do not include margin, neither top margin nor bottom margin. These DOM properties are used by JavaScript programming language to calculate the dimension of HTML elements in pixels.

With the help of below diagram you can understand offsetHeight and offsetWidth much better:

JavaScript offsetHeight

Browser support

The offsetHeight DOM property is supported by several web browsers, like Chrome, and Internet Explorer. Following are some browsers that support offsetHeight and offsetWidth property.

Browserchrome browser Chromeie browser Internet Explorerfirefox browser Firefoxopera browser Operasafari browser SafariEdge browser Edge
offsetHeight supportYesYesYesYesYesYes


Below is a simple syntax of offsetHeight:


Here, element is a variable created in JavaScript to hold the CSS properties values or HTML text paragraph.

Return Values

The offsetHeight and offsetWidth return the calculated height and width of the HTML elements in pixels, respectively.


Below is a list of some examples. With the help of which we will see how offsetHeight property is used and works.

Example 1




HTML DOM offsetHeight Property example  




#JTP {  

height: 120px;  

width: 250px;  

margin: 20px;  

padding: 15px;  

background-color: yellow;  






function getInfo() {  

var eleValue = document.getElementById("JTP");  

var txt = "Height of the elements paragraph along with padding and border in pixels is: " + eleValue.offsetHeight + "px";  

document.getElementById("sudo").innerHTML = txt;  





<h2> HTML DOM offsetHeight Property example </h2>  

<div id= "JTP">  

<b> A basic information about this div tab: </b>  

<p id= "sudo"> </p>  


<button type="JTP" onclick="getInfo()"> Submit </button>  





See the below output containing a paragraph in yellow highlighted color, and a submit button. Click on this Submit button and calculate the offsetHeight of this paragraph.

Output before clicking on Submit button

JavaScript offsetHeight

Output after clicking on Submit button

The calculated offsetHeight will display inside this yellow highlighted area.

JavaScript offsetHeight

Example 2

In this example, we will calculate the offsetHeight for a paragraph provided in this example along with CSS styling. Remember that the offsetHeight will not include margin.




HTML DOM offsetHeight Property example  



#PStyle {  

height: 220px;  

width: 320px;  

margin: 20px;  

padding: 15px;  

background-color: pink;  






function getInfo() {  

var eleValue = document.getElementById("PStyle");  

var txt = "Height of the elements paragraph along with padding and border in pixels is: " + eleValue.offsetHeight + "px";  

document.getElementById("sudo").innerHTML = txt;  





<h3> HTML DOM offsetHeight Property Example 2 </h3>  

<div id= "PStyle">  

<p> In this example, we will calculate the offset height for this paragraph. We have also provided CSS styling to this paragraph. This offsetHeight will include the height of text, padding, border except margin taken by this paragraph. </p>  


<b> OffsetHeight of this div tab paragraph: </b>  

<p id= "sudo"> </p>  


<button type= "button" onclick = "getInfo()"> Calculate offsetHeight </button>  





See the below output containing a paragraph in pink highlighted color and a submit button. Click on this Calculate offsetHeight button and calculate the offsetHeight of this paragraph.

Output before clicking on Calculate offsetHeight button

JavaScript offsetHeight

Output after clicking on Calculate offsetHeight button

The calculated offsetHeight will display inside this pink highlighted area. In the below screenshot, you can see that offsetHeight for the given paragraph is 230px.

JavaScript offsetHeight

Example 3 without CSS styling

See another example of calculating the offsetHeight. We have not included any CSS style like height, width, margin, padding, etc., expect background color. So, the paragraph will be a simple paragraph with no styling.

HTML DOM offsetHeight Property example  
#PStyle {  
background-color: orange;  
function getInfo() {  
var eleValue = document.getElementById("PStyle");  
var txt = "Height of the elements in paragraph calculated as pixels is: " + eleValue.offsetHeight + "px";  
document.getElementById("sudo").innerHTML = txt;  
<h3> HTML DOM offsetHeight Property Example 3 </h3>  
<div id= "PStyle">  
<p> In this example, we will calculate the offset height of this given paragraph. We have jusr included background color in CSS styling not height, width, margin, or padding to this paragraph. So, the offsetHeight will be calculted for the height of text taken by this paragraph. </p>  
<b> OffsetHeight of this div tab paragraph: </b>  
<p id= "sudo"> </p>  
<button type= "submit" onclick = "getInfo()"> Calculate offsetHeight </button>  


See the below output containing a paragraph in orange highlighted color and a submit button to calculate the offsetHeight. Click on this Calculate offsetHeight button and calculate the offsetHeight of this paragraph.

Before clicking on Calculate offsetHeight button

JavaScript offsetHeight

After clicking on Calculate offsetHeight button

In the below screenshot, you can see that offsetHeight for the given paragraph is 88px.

JavaScript offsetHeight

Calculate both offsetHeight and offsetWidth

In this example, we will calculate both offsetHeight and offsetWidth for a paragraph inside a div tab. So, you can understand how differently they calculated. Here, we will use CSS and pass the height, width, margin, padding, etc. for styling in this example.

Copy and run the below code on your system to understand better.




HTML DOM offsetHeight Property example  




#PStyle {  

height: 180px;  

width: 400px;  

margin: 20px;  

padding: 15px;  

background-color: lightblue;  






function getInfo() {  

var eleValue = document.getElementById("PStyle");  

var txt1 = "OffsetHeight of the paragraph along with padding and border in pixels is: " + eleValue.offsetHeight + "px";  

var txt2 = "OffsetWidth of the paragraph along with padding and border in pixels is: " + eleValue.offsetWidth + "px";  


document.getElementById("sudo1").innerHTML = txt1;  

document.getElementById("sudo2").innerHTML = txt2;  





<h2> Calculation of offsetHeight and offsetWidth </h2>  

<div id= "PStyle">  

<b> A basic information about this div tab: </b>  

<p id= "sudo1"> </p>  

<p id= "sudo2"> </p>  


<button type="button" onclick="getInfo()"> Submit </button>  





See the below output containing a paragraph in lightblue highlighted color area and a submit button. Click on this Submit button and calculate the offsetHeight and offsetWidth of this paragraph.

Output before clicking on Submit button

JavaScript offsetHeight

After clicking on the Submit button, the calculated offsetHeight is 210px, and offsetWidth is 430px displaying inside this lightblue highlighted area. See the output below.

Output after clicking on Submit button

JavaScript offsetHeight


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