In JavaScript, we can hide the elements using the style.display or by using the style.visibility. The visibility property in JavaScript is also used to hide an element. The difference between the style.display and style.visibility is when using visibility: hidden, the tag is not visible, but space is allocated. Using display: none, the tag is also not visible, but there is no space allocated on the page.
In HTML, we can use the hidden attribute to hide the specified element. When the hidden attribute in HTML sets to true, the element is hidden, or when the value is false, the element is visible.
The general syntax to hide an element using style.hidden and style.visibility is given as follows.
document.getElementById("element").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("element").style.visibility = "none";
Now, let’s see some examples to understand the hiding of elements in javascript.
In this example, we will see how to remove elements by using JavaScript’s style.display property. Here, there is a div element and a paragraph element that gets hide on clicking the given HTML button. We have to click the ‘Click me!’ button to see the effect.
<!DOCTYPE html>
Welcome to the
Example of the JavaScript's style.display property
<div id = "div" style = "background-color: yellow; font-size: 25px; color: red; border: 2px solid red;">
This is the div element.
<p id = "p"> This is a paragraph element. </p>
<button onclick = "fun()" id = "btn">
Click me!
function fun() {
document.getElementById("div").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("p").style.display = "none";
In this example, we will see how to hide elements by using JavaScript’s style.visibliity property. Here, a div element and a paragraph element get hidden, but their space is still allocated.
We have to click the ‘Click me!’ button to see the effect.
<!DOCTYPE html>
Welcome to the
Example of the JavaScript's style.visibility property
<div id = "div" style = "background-color: yellow; font-size: 25px; color: red; border: 2px solid red;">
This is the div element.
<p id = "p"> This is a paragraph element. </p>
<button onclick = "fun()" id = "btn">
Click me!
function fun() {
document.getElementById("div").style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("p").style.visibility = "hidden";
After the execution of the above code, the output is –
On clicking the button, the output will be –
In this example, we are using both style.display and style.visibility JavaScript properties to see the difference between both of them. Here, there is a div element and <h3> heading element on which we are applying the properties. We are hiding the div element by applying the style.display property, and hiding the <h3> element by applying the style.visibility property.
We have to click the ‘Click me!’ button to see the effect.
<!DOCTYPE html>
JavaScript hide elements
Welcome to the
Using both style.visibility and style.display properties
<div id = "div" style = "background-color: yellow; font-size: 25px; color: red; border: 2px solid red;">
This is the div element.
<p> This is a paragraph element. </p>
<h3 id = "heading"> This is the heading after the paragraph element. </h3>
<button onclick = "fun()" id = "btn">
Click me!
function fun() {
document.getElementById("div").style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("heading").style.display = "none";
In the output, we can see that the div element (on which we have applied style.visibility property) is hiding but still allocating the space. But the heading (on which we have applied style.display property) is hiding and not allocating any space.
After clicking the button, the result will be –
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